Scholastic Unit Plans

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Food and Nutrition Interactive Website

"Nourish Interactive" free website for parents and students that relates to food and nutrition.

RSS Feed - "Meet Your Vegetables" Unit

The following book resources are recommended to be used during our "Meet Your Vegetables" Unit.

These books were found through the RSS Feeds under Scholastic Unit Plans - "Nutrition and Me"

Eat Healthy, Feel Great By William Sears, Martha Sears, Christie Watts Kelly
Oh the Things You Can Do That Are Good for You! All About Staying Healthy by Tish Rabe
Good Enough to Eat: A Kid's Guide to Food and Nutrition by Lizzy Rockwell
Staying Healthy: Eating Right (The Library of Healthy Living) by Alice B. McGinty
Being Active (Healthy Eating With My Pyramid) by Schuh
Staying Healthy: Personal Safety by Alice B

"Meet Your Vegetables" Unit

"Meet Your Vegetables" Unit for Kindergarten

The pupose of this unit is to teach students about different kinds of healthy foods, and how to make better nutritional choices.

I have included only the first lesson for this week's blog so that you can get an idea of what we will be doing in class the following weeks regarding our health and nutrition unit.

Please visit our classroom blog before the end of the week for important information regarding our upcoming "Meet Your Vegetables" Unit.

California State Standards for Kindergarten Nutrition and Physical Activity
Standard 1: Essential Concepts
1.1.N Name a variety of healthy foods and explain why they are necessary for good health.
1.2.N Identify a variety of healthy snacks.
1.3.N Describe the benefits of being physically active.
1.4.N Recognize the importance of a healthy breakfast.

The following lesson was accessed through the Scholastic website. We will incorporate this lesson into our classroom using California State Standards.

Meet Your Vegetables
By Jeremy Brunaccioni

This unit was designed as a fun introduction to healthy foods. Taking an integrated approach, students become familiar with vegetables through art, music and cooking. While the nutritional aspects are inherent, my goal is to help students become more aware of where the food comes from and to become more familiar and comfortable with vegetables and fruits.

Students will:
1. Gain the knowledge and skills to select a diet that supports health and reduces the risk of illness and future chronic diseases.
2. Identify a variety of fruits and vegetables and how they are grown and harvested.

Lesson 1: Vegetable Faces: A Guiseppe Archimboldo Portrait Study
Lesson 2: Vegetable Soup: A Reverse Recipe
Lesson 3: In My Garden Sing Along

Vegetable Request Letter for Parents (PDF) Lyrics for In My Garden Sing-Along (PDF) Classroom Newsletter to Send Home (PDF)

Books for An Apple A Day Unit Plan

About the Author
Jeremy Brunaccioni is a kindergarten teacher in Massachusetts.

Lesson 1:
Vegetable Faces: A Guiseppe Archimboldo Portrait Study
Jeremy Brunaccioni

View a slideshow of photos - use the following link for the slideshow:
Download full-size images: basil, beans, cabbages, carrots, eggplant, garlic, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, radishes, Swiss chard, tomatoes, tomatoes (cherry), tomatoes (assorted), zucchini

As part of the Meet Your Vegetables thematic lesson plan, students create vegetable portraits like the Italian painter, while learning how to identify different fruits and vegetables in a healthy diet.

an assortment of vegetables
drawing paper
colored pencils
black Sharpie markers
black construction paper (about 11" X 17"), one sheet per student
copies of the vegetable request letter

Visit the following sites and print out color copies of some of the Guiseppe Archimboldo images.
Send home copies of the vegetable request letter (PDF).

Gather students together and share some of the Guiseppe Archimboldo images. Have a discussion about what the artist used to create his faces. Explain that students will have the opportunity to create similar faces.
Use a Sharpie to demonstrate how to draw the outline of a vegetable. Use colored pencils to color the vegetable drawings before cutting them out. After washing their hands, give students the opportunity to arrange the vegetables to create faces.
After they've had a chance to experiment with vegetable faces, students can arrange their vegetable drawings on a sheet of black paper to create a portrait. Once they are satisfied with their face, they can glue the drawings to the paper.

Have sample face collages posted around the room to serve as visual cues for the project. Use toothpicks with attached facial features to create individual Mr. Potato Heads.

Have students write a grocery list of the vegetables they used in their collage.
Try using fruits to perform the same activity.

Are students engaged and on task?
Do all students have a finished product that looks like a face?

Make a list of the vegetables used in the face collage.
Create a "vegetable face" using Play-Doh.

This lesson can establish a home connection in a variety of ways. Parents can contribute to this project by donating vegetables as requested in the newsletter. Hang the artwork in a prominent place outside of the classroom. Be sure to include photos of the project in both the classroom and school newsletter (PDF).

Was I clear in my directions?
Was I set up and prepared with the proper materials?
Would I do anything differently next time?

About the Author
Jeremy Brunaccioni is a kindergarten teacher in Massachusetts.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Newsletter for March 15-19 2010

Kindergarten Newsletter
Ms. Hudson’s Class
March 15-19, 2010

A message from your teacher:
Your students are making great strides in their reading skills. Some students are reading stories to the rest of the class! All children are phonetically spelling out words in their writing journals! This is a wonderful academic growth spurt for the children! Be sure to take advantage of this and work with your child! Remember to read the little books that are sent home daily. To challenge your child point to words in isolation and see if your child can read it. Give your child simple phonetic three to four letter words to sound out, as well as work with your child on the sight word flash cards.

Homework Corner:
: Reading; at least 15 minutes daily. Language Arts: “A Very Special St. Patrick’s Day Alphabet” worksheet.
Math; Writing 1-10 worksheet.
Tuesday: Reading; at least 15 minutes daily.
Language Arts: “Shamrock connect the dots alphabet” worksheet.
Math: “Garden Math” worksheet.
Wednesday: Reading; at least 15 minutes daily. Language Arts: “Pot of Gold color by letters puzzle” worksheet.
Math: “Trace & Match 1-5” worksheet.
Thursday: Reading; at least 15 minutes daily. Language Arts: “Shamrock” worksheet
Math: “Trace & Math 6-10” worksheet, and “Pattern Recognition 1-2-3” worksheet.
Homework folders are due Friday!
Turn in Reading Logs!

Upcoming Events:
The long awaited trip to our local Ralph’s Grocery store is coming up on Monday, March 22. All permission slips need to be turned in by this Friday, March 19th!

Parent Education Information:
The Huntington Beach City School District is sponsoring a parent education event this coming Thursday, March 18th 6-8PM, at the district office. The topic will be: “The Homework Blues”. Parents will learn the latest strategies and techniques to help their students stop whining and start winning!

Community Connection:
The Huntington Beach Central Library always has fun things going on for kids! Visit their website for weekly events and special upcoming events.

Quote of the Week:
“Education is not filling a pail but the lighting of a fire”

- William Butler Yeats